Thursday, January 29, 2009

Delusional Losers

As we watched the George W. Bush administration slog to a close, statements about the "Bush Legacy" were delusional. The delusive propagation of former President Bush and his minions are so far from reality that Mr. Bush has to be painted as one of the contemporary world's biggest political losers.

Mr. Bush ranks a distant second to the exiled leader of the Islamist Hamas movement,
Khaled Meshal, who resides in exile (and comfort) in Damascus, Syria. ADN Kronos
International ( reports that during a meeting of Arab countries in the Qatari capital Doha late on Wednesday, called "Celebrating the Gaza victory," in an act of supreme delusiveness, Meshal claimed victory after an Israeli three week long offensive in Gaza, that resulted in the anihilation of hundreds of homes, the infrastructure and the death of 1,330 Palestinians and injured 5,000 others. The so-called victory derives from the Meshal claim that "the Jewish state did not meet its goals."

Now the denial of Israeli goals begs the question of the goals of indiscriminate rocket launchings into Israeli settlelments. One can only speculate that Meshal and his faction, given the disturbing conditions in Gaza may have found support for him and his lot going south.

Using the end of the tenuous cease-fire agreement, the Hamas leadership may have seen this as an opportunity to provoke the Israeli government into an excessive use of force that will generate renewed support for him and his cause. In a tragic form of the self-fulfilling prophecy, the Israeli government did as expected. If this was the goal of Hamas, then it succeeded. But to say that this was a victory scales the heights of delusion equal to that reached by Adolph Hitler as his Third Reich was being destroyed.

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