Friday, January 23, 2009

Tax Cuts--Again???????

Well, it has been some time since I have felt inspired enough to write to this blog, and of course it goes without saying that the election of Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency is behind this posting.

With things as bad as they are, and getting worse by the hour, we see the likes of U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader "Boner" [I choose to misuse his name, it is soothing :-)] continuing to behave as though he and his won something--they didn't. This guy continues to rail at the incoming president's economic initiatives. In doing so, we hear the mantra, "too much spending," and not enough "tax cuts."

House minority leader Boner is crying “tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts” Now it is claimed, in some circles, that tax cuts, are an essential ingredient in propping up a sagging economy. Problem here is that it is also held, in most circles, that tax cuts lag economic reality (and recovery) by anywhere from 12 months to two years. The President's stimulus calls for federal spending that will "jolt" the economy by providing work for the unemployed millions of Americans; the idea being that working people are spending people and spending people create demands for goods and services and the providers of goods and services must hire workers to produce the goods and services demanded, and yada, yada, yada - economics 101.
That said, how do the tax cuts called for by Representative Boner equate to an instant stimulus of the economy. And what makes this guy think that those businesses receiving the tax cuts will not simply pay off their bills and try to stave of bankruptcy? I guess the examples provided by U.S. Banks flies right by this august legislator.

Here is a self-righteous clown whining about the money being proposed to by the Obama administration; this, mind you, after Representative Boner and his group fought the Democratic majority while borrowing close to one trillion dollars in support of the Iraqi fiasco.

And the Republican party is scratching its collective head in terms of where it is and what must it do to restore credibility to the brand. Someone needs to inform Congressman Boner that what he is doing smacks of "I don't know" and will keep the party "wandering in the (political) wilderness until the likes of Representative Boner and his ilk are shunted to the rear.

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