Sunday, July 20, 2008

On Presidential Candidate Pandering

When does political campaigning become “pandering?” For Dobbs, campaigning becomes pandering when the candidates address so-called “socio-ethnocentric” (color in people of color, i.e., La Raza, NAACP or any other politically significant groups of color) special interest groups. For Dobbs, the candidates are not pandering to this country’s “socio-ethnocentric” (Euro-centric) majority population; his silence here is pregnant.
Calling himself Mr. Independent–independent of what? This political bigot is about as balanced in his reporting as that bunch over at the Fox Network, the likes of which boasts of being “fair and balanced.”

This dogmatic master of innuendo and coded messages appears to take great delight in loading up on the Democratic presidential candidate while his mention and critique, such as it is, of Candidate McCain gets one or two lines at most. Some balance.
Pay attention!!!
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