Monday, February 16, 2009

Kudos for Florida's Governor Charlie Christ

It is rare that I agree with Florida's Governor, but there are exceptions to every rule and it is unwise to say never.
Hats off to Governor Charlie Christ. In the wake of last week's State Farm decision to pack up its home owner's insurance section and leave Florida. This will leave an astronomical number of homeowners scrambling for insurance.

Fair? no but neither is life. My hat is off to Governor Christ for publicly bidding State Farm a not so fond farewell-as well he should have. And while it will cause much hardship in a time of economic downturn, the fact that this member of the insurance racket decides to run out on millions of its Florida clients seems to provide ample evidence that State Farm has little feel for the problems associated with current economic conditions; and while they whine that they are losing money in Florida, nothing could be further from the truth. It is time that the entire insurance industry be investigated and brought up on Rico charges.

Claiming to provide a security net for their insured, this scummy industry cries foul and cuts and runs when faced with its responsibilities, e.g. you are in a hurricane prone area; you have a moving vehicle accident, you are dropped by your insurer; and please do not have a serious health problem, they find a way to inform you that you are not covered; should you have a health condition prior to applying for health insurance, good luck.

Sure they may find themselves in debt to those they insure to the point where they may find themselves cash flow poor. Well that is too bad. Is this not one of the opportunity costs of doing business?

Personally, I have been doing business with State Farm Insurance, in one capacity or another, for better than 35 years. That said, it is my view that Governor Christ did not go far enough. He should have added that IF STATE FARM WILL NOT INSURE FORIDA HOMEOWNERS, THEY CANNOT INSURE FLORIDA'S MOTORISTS. Run the bastards out of the state completely; let's see how such an attack on State Farm's pocket book will effect this business' decisions regarding insurance in the State of Florida.

In the wake of the most recent tornado disasters in Oklahoma will State Farm declare losses in its homeowner's insurance division. Will they repeat their scurrilous behavior there also? What state's homeowners will be next?

In closing, if State Farm cannot ensure my home, State Farm cannot insure my life, my automobile, my dog, my cat (etc.) The time has long since come when America ends its lazy, apathetic, comfortable existance. It is time for America to get off its collective a... and demand justice.
Wake up America!!!!!!

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