Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Lou Dobbs for president? Oh my goodness. Once again telewatchers of America demonstrate their culpability to imagery and demogagory. Lou Dobbs for president? Wake up America, Lou Dobbs is far from what is needed for this country. Dobbs is nothing short of a bomb throwing demogogue who is reminiscent of the story about a “signifying monkey” who sits in a tree using emotion laden language instigates a fatal fight between a lion and an elephant. My god, is it so difficult to see that this numbskull sits before the cameras for one hour every day during which he criticizes problems with every aspect of government; but, guess what you do not hear? What you don’t hear from this clown is any offering of solution(s) to the problems he articulates. And, if one bitches about a problem while offering no solution(s), this person becomes part of the problem. It is plain to see that this clown is part of the problem in that he has managed to generate enough emotion as to get himself considered as the solution to “the illegal alien” problem, or the “war on the middle class.” And if you happen to see this Mr. Dobbs, please be so good as to offer your solutions to the problems you articulate, night after night—ad nauseum. Wake up America, someone please tell me what an “independent populist” is. I can recall a time when this clown was part of the conservative wing of the Republican business community in another life as a business broadcaster. My what a self-promoting opportunist. America wake up. Being president is not the same as articulating and crusading one hour each evening.Stay informedThe brotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 11/20/2007 05:48:00 PM 2 comments
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