Scanning the Op Ed pages of the major newspapers, I came across the writing of Fox News' "oracle of all that is truth" Charles Krauthammer. Mr. Krauthammer's commentary is so typical of the most ignorance-based, politically motivated rant so typical of so-called reputable wing nuts from the right side of the political continuum.
There is much that Mr. Kauthammer and his ilk just do not know and understand about Americans of African descent, (hereafter Black Americans). Such ignorance is demonstrated in the question, "Why didn't he leave the church" (of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright).
Well Mr. Krauthammer, not unlike the "My America, right or wrong" crowd, you and yours fail to understand the loyalty that is characteristic of Black Americans. That is, Black Americans do not flee from one religious venue to another when the church's prelate lapses into moments of controversy. As testament to the loyalty of which I speak, please notice that after centuries of second class citizenship during which Black Americans have experienced terrorism and other atrocities too numerous to enumerate. Yet, history demonstrates that Black Americans have been first in line in the defense of this country. And the flowery, elegant, descriptive narrative, i.e., "elegantly crafted, brilliantly sophistic justification of that scandalous dereliction" - beautifully articulated nothingness. Of course Krauthammer and other "guilt by association" patriots fail, while enumerating the list of Wright's affronts to their followers, in terms of denial of Wright's condemnations.
And really Mr. Krauthammer, does it take the Reverend Wright to "poison others?" I think not.
Here is a message FYI. As a Black male living in America, there is not a day in my life that I am, in some overt or covert way, reminded that I am suspect, ergo, reminded that I am Black.
You, Mr. Krauthammer and your crowd would do well to locate a copy of the, somewhat dated, but still relevant, John Howard Griffin's international best selling book, "Black Like Me." Chances are slim that you will do so as your state of denial will not allow you to face reality.
As it typical of this "bunch" of narrowly focused opinion makers, they snatch a few moments of protest and condemnation out of some 30 years of sermons to wax thoroughly outraged. And, speaking of questions Mr. Krauthammer, you and yours fail to ask a most important question:
"Why did/does Reverend Wright utter such outrages? Just as you rail at anti-patriot protestors against the war, or who would have the nerve to burn a U.S. flag, you fail to ask why. I dare to think that you and yours have made a serious attempt at interviewing Reverend Wright.
Insofar as 9/11 and the evils come home to roost, why, Mr. Krauthammer, have I not seen any form of outrage at Republican candidate for president, Ron Paul, whose platform, in part, makes the same allegations. You also failed to be outraged at Republican candidate John McCain's fawning up to and kissing the ring of the late Jerry Falwell.
The truth? It is not about the Reverend Wright, it is about the opening barrage of "swift boating"
a very strong Democratic candidate for the highest office in the land. Good luck Mr. Krauthammer!!!!
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