Friday, March 21, 2008

Charles (Sour)Krauthammer and the Right Wing Rant

Scanning the Op Ed pages of the major newspapers, I came across the writing of Fox News' "oracle of all that is truth" Charles Krauthammer. Mr. Krauthammer's commentary is so typical of the most ignorance-based, politically motivated rant so typical of so-called reputable wing nuts from the right side of the political continuum.
There is much that Mr. Kauthammer and his ilk just do not know and understand about Americans of African descent, (hereafter Black Americans). Such ignorance is demonstrated in the question, "Why didn't he leave the church" (of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright).

Well Mr. Krauthammer, not unlike the "My America, right or wrong" crowd, you and yours fail to understand the loyalty that is characteristic of Black Americans. That is, Black Americans do not flee from one religious venue to another when the church's prelate lapses into moments of controversy. As testament to the loyalty of which I speak, please notice that after centuries of second class citizenship during which Black Americans have experienced terrorism and other atrocities too numerous to enumerate. Yet, history demonstrates that Black Americans have been first in line in the defense of this country. And the flowery, elegant, descriptive narrative, i.e., "elegantly crafted, brilliantly sophistic justification of that scandalous dereliction" - beautifully articulated nothingness. Of course Krauthammer and other "guilt by association" patriots fail, while enumerating the list of Wright's affronts to their followers, in terms of denial of Wright's condemnations.

And really Mr. Krauthammer, does it take the Reverend Wright to "poison others?" I think not.
Here is a message FYI. As a Black male living in America, there is not a day in my life that I am, in some overt or covert way, reminded that I am suspect, ergo, reminded that I am Black.
You, Mr. Krauthammer and your crowd would do well to locate a copy of the, somewhat dated, but still relevant, John Howard Griffin's international best selling book, "Black Like Me." Chances are slim that you will do so as your state of denial will not allow you to face reality.

As it typical of this "bunch" of narrowly focused opinion makers, they snatch a few moments of protest and condemnation out of some 30 years of sermons to wax thoroughly outraged. And, speaking of questions Mr. Krauthammer, you and yours fail to ask a most important question:
"Why did/does Reverend Wright utter such outrages? Just as you rail at anti-patriot protestors against the war, or who would have the nerve to burn a U.S. flag, you fail to ask why. I dare to think that you and yours have made a serious attempt at interviewing Reverend Wright.

Insofar as 9/11 and the evils come home to roost, why, Mr. Krauthammer, have I not seen any form of outrage at Republican candidate for president, Ron Paul, whose platform, in part, makes the same allegations. You also failed to be outraged at Republican candidate John McCain's fawning up to and kissing the ring of the late Jerry Falwell.

The truth? It is not about the Reverend Wright, it is about the opening barrage of "swift boating"
a very strong Democratic candidate for the highest office in the land. Good luck Mr. Krauthammer!!!!


Walter Reed Hospital: A Tragic Story

Monday, March 05, 2007

At long last, the dirty little details about how America-its government-and its wonderfully would-be “patriotic” citizens tend to caste a blind eye to the mistreatment of those who have sacrificed life and limb because a little pipsqueak of a president sought to demonstrate his machismo in the Middle East; the images of his landing on the aircraft carrier and his resolute “bring it on” statement are never more present in my minds-eye and ear.It is not as though this is the first time such neglect of America’s fighting men and women have been treated so shabbily. And while America conveniently rejects comparisons with the experience of the armed-conflict of Vietnam; the evidence of the post-conflict of neglect of those men and women is still visible to all (who would dare to look and see it) in the vast numbers of physically and mentally disabled Vietnam vets seen on the streets, living under highway and byway underpasses, found temporarily residing in the faith-based half-way houses or locked away (from the public) in the jails and prisons of this country.In the post-Vietnam period, the problems of Vietnam vets and their families (where families have survived) have been ignored; their complaints have fallen on the deaf ears of subsequent Congresses, presidential administrations as well as the American public at large.Thank god for those who have come forward to expose the sorry behavior of a government and its military leadership; it is this sorry aggregation of individuals who view those exposed to the death, physical maiming and psychological effects of combat as an unfortunate, but necessary expendable commodity in the conduct of war. Finally, and at long last, heads area beginning to roll, as rightly they should.It must be noted that treatment of battlefield casualties is exceptional, however; it must also be noted that treatment of battlefield injuries are accomplished with the primary goal of returning those injured to the battlefield. Those whose physical injuries preclude their return to the battlefield and the psychological horror imposed upon the mind, are relegated to the under budgeted, poorly administered confusion and mishandling of the military (and Veteran’s Affairs) bureaucracy.As short sightedness in the planning and prosecution of the armed-conflict part of the war has been exposed by the past week’s revelations by investigative journalists who have made the tragedy of poor planning evident in the treatment of this war’s casualties.America should be careful in its tendency to blame everyone from the senior non-commissions officer(s) to the generals for what we now know, America should be reminded that with the exception of that 20-30% of the American public that did not support the war from its outset, 70-80% of this country’s citizens must accept responsibility for its thoughtless drinking and enjoyment of the rhetorical cool aide offered up by the Bush Administration in the lead up to punching Uncle Remus’ tar baby.Be careful America, the administration is once again pouring the rhetorical cool aide; this time the Bush administration flavor of choice is Iran.thebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 3/05/2007 09:14:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Older Posts

Capture of Iranian Agent

Germany’s Deutsche Welle reports that Tehran has condemned the arrest of an Iranian by US forces in the northern Iraqi city of Sulaymanyah. An Iranian government spokesman said however that the man was a member of a visiting commercial delegation that had entered Iraq legally. As reported from a number of sources, the U.S. asserts that this individual is part of Iranian special military forces known as the QUD. Well so what?While the U.S. touts the exploits and use of its Rangers, Seals and Special Forces (under the command of “special ops”) with accompanying proclamations as to the importance of this group of elite fighting men in the cause of fighting the war on terrorism. Under the rubric of “national interest” the U.S. currently has special ops personnel planted in a number of countries in Africa and are currently in support of Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia.Why does the United States in consort with the media, scream foul when Iran, acting in its national interest supports those confronting U.S. forces in Iraq? Not only does it scream foul, it screams loud enough and long enough to establish Iran as a demon and the next threat to the U.S., ergo grounds for some sort of military action against Iran.Keep an eye on developments over time.Stay informedthebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 9/20/2007 06:05:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Bin Laden “Declares War” on Pakistan

In a new recording, Osama Bin Laden, according to Agence France Press (AFP), urges Pakistani Muslims to wage “holy war” against the government of President Pervez Musharraf in retaliation for the government’s put down of Muslim extremists who recently held up in the “Red Mosque.”It will be interesting to watch this action; it may be that Bin Laden has bitten off much more that he can chew. This may have been a huge strategic error on his part. Unlike conditions in Iraq, that is, the absence of anything closely resembling a functional government and security forces. Pakistan does have a reasonably functioning government, notwithstanding, Musharraf’s declining popularity, and an extremely functional military that, as demonstrated by the incident at the Red Mosque, will take extremely harsh methods to combat any such increases in anti-government activity from whatever-the-source. Even though it is highly likely that President Musharraf will be assinated, the ensuing conflict will be long and bloody and in the end, the forces of the government will emerge victorious as a result of weariness and attrition.Keep an eye on this.stay informed:thebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 9/20/2007 06:10:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

On the latest Blackwater Incident

Thursday, September 20, 2007

On the latest Blackwater incident in Iraq prompts the following commentary:The employment of Blackwater Private Security to protect civilian VIPs avoids military “rules of engagement” which allows these mercenaries to “do whatever it takes” to protect their clients. Hence, allegations of “cowboy-like” behavior that manifests itself in indiscriminate killings in the name of getting the job done should not come as any surprise when such incidents make it into the press. Moreover; the problems associated with manning the “all volunteer force” virtually demands the privatization of this aspect of the Iraqi Freedom operations. What part of the Federal Government is next in line for privatization?stay informed!!!!thebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 9/20/2007 06:12:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

The Real Iranian Mouthpiece

Hey America;Once again a piece of information that duh American media fails to publish about Iran and the source of its governmental foreign policy. It is shameful how ‘duh’ U.S. media participates in a conspiracy of misinformation that keeps the American public ignorant. At the same time this is going on, they also become part of the Bush administration’s demonization of Iran’s President Mahmoud Amadinejad who has been characterized as irrational, uncivilized and outright crazy for his anti-Israel, anti-American rhetoric.The truth is that Amadinejad is nothing less than the public mouthpiece for the real powers. In a display of one of Iran’s missiles that has a reputed 1800 mile range, the online news outlet reports that the supreme ruler (of Iran) Ayatollah Ali Khamenei displayed a large slogan “The Iranian nation is ready to bring any oppressive power to its knees.”According to the press release, “huge trucks carrying the missiles were marked with vicious slogans calling for ‘Death to America,’ ‘Death to Israel,’ ‘Israeli should be eliminated,’ ‘No Muslim may recognize Israel’ and ‘Israel must be wiped off the map.’”What is interesting about this news report is the absence of Amadinejad’s name from the display of anti-Israel, anti-U.S. disdain. Point here is simply that the Iranian President is the elected front man and mouthpiece for the “real ruling power” in Iran. And somehow, I think this is should not be omitted by “duh” U.S. press.stay informedthebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 9/28/2007 02:12:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Why Are We Not Aware Of This?

Friday, September 28, 2007
A September 27, 2007 BBC [Middle East] article reports a “Turkey-Iraq Kurd” deal.It is well-known that the Turks have had problems with the Southeastern Turkey Kurdish Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). Called a terrorist organization by Turkey, Europe and the United States. According to the BBC article, Ankara has warned Baghdad to crack down on the Kurdish rebels or face a possible incursion by Turkish troops.It seems that the Iraqi government (such as it is) has been negotiating a “hot pursuit” agreement with the Turks. This means that the Turkish army may pursue PPK “terrorists” across the Turkish-Iraqi frontier.Though both parties have been quite, the Iraqi Kurdish population are objecting to this possibility, as could be expected.Several questions arise from these developments. First, is this the license the Turks need to destroy what the Kurds in northern Iraq have currently going for them?Second, can the so-called Iraqi government conduct negotiations that effect the Kurds?Third, it was reported by presidential candidate Senator Sam Brownback (R Kansas), during the Tavis Smiley, PBS televised Republican Presidential candidate forum, that he and Senator Joseph Biden (D Delaware) are promoting a bi-partisan solution to the Iraqi governmental crisis. The proposal will mandate a tri-state loosely confederated three-state system with a (relatively) weak central government in Baghdad.Now if all of the above comes to past, this could mean problems for the U.S. While disappointed with the present government of Iraq, President Bush tenaciously supports his “sovereign, fledgling democracy.”It should be remembered that Turkey is (alleged to be) among America’s staunchest allies. The implications that follow from these developments are huge. What role will the Bush foreign policy establishment play.And if the Turks become as intransigent as I remember them during a tour of duty in Turkey, it could mean trouble on the horizon.Of course, it is possible that none of this come to past; keep an eye out for reports and developments in the future. In short:stay informedthebrotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 9/28/2007 02:18:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Romney Calls For Tax Breaks For Homeschoolers

This just in from RTTNews.com11/8/2007 9:23:06 AM Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney proposed Wednesday that parents who homeschool their children should be eligible for a tax break to help offset parents’ expenses for teaching their children at home.Why? Public schools are open to all citizens; the homeschoolers pay the taxes that support public schools. Romney, in his call for tax breaks, is not specific about the nature of the taxes that would go into the tax-break pot. Is he calling for a federal tax break or what? This is problematic in that public schools are supported from taxes collected at the state and/or local levels of government.If Romney means a federal tax cut if follows that the loss in federal tax revenues attributed to his proposal means an additional burden on the remainder of the taxed population. But more importantly, Romney is asking that hardworking federal tax payers pay homeschoolers.Yes, the public school systems across America are at best awful and parents want the best education for their children. However; it is unfortunate that those who can afford to remain in the household and educate their children are part of the population that tends to ”cut and run” from public schools. Just as this same group ran from troubled urban areas, these parents run from the public schools problem.It is high time that this segment, as well as all of America, stop running from the problem, stop waiting for someelse to solve the problem and get engaged. If these homeschooling parents have the time required to educate their children in the home, then there can be little question that they have time to get seriously engaged in improving the state of public education.Stay informed–and get involvedthe brotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 11/12/2007 09:31:00 PM 1 comments Links to this post

Some Reflections on General Patraeus and Success(?)

General Patraeus, Success, and Some ReflectionsLet me begin by acknowledging the intelligence of General Pratraeus. He has an earned Doctorate in International Relations; moreover; he surrounds himself with academics; two of his primary military advisors are full colonels, both are PhDs. His presentation before the House and Senate was and academic collection and analysis of the data. His preparation for his appearance before the Congress made that of the ambassador look mediocre. However; the pre-presentation hype accompanying Patraeus and his presentation lacked any consideration of the falibility of the general. To that end, I reveal a number of realities that any military careerist, past and present, are aware of, while the general American public is in the dark about.Consider the overwhelming Senatorial support for the general’s taking command of the Iraqi combat zone.One of the qualifications/character traits that won Pratraeus favor with the U.S. Senate was his propensity for “straight talk” and “telling it like it is.”As a retired veteran of 22.5 years of military service with the U.S. Army, I must point out that experience informs me that U.S. Army officers do not become general officers on such a record.Those who become general officers are “team players” who, regardless of the order or mission reply “yes sir,” salute and carry out the order.That said, the question becomes, at what point did General Pratraeus acquire this stalwart trait? And, like General Alexander Haig before him, Pratraeus jumped two stars in a two and one half year period, leaping over all of the three star generals in the U.S. Army.Given excessively loud kudos, from some political corners, for what is happening in Al Anbar province, that is; getting the province’s shiekdom to join his forces in pursuit of the destruction of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Two points should be noted here; first, it is a Marine Colonel who had developed the relationship between his troops and Sunni Shieks long before Patreaus landed in his present position and the successes, such as they are, have been attributed to him, second, a review of the history of early U.S. involvement in Afghanistan will inform us that the CIA was quick to flip the tribal leaders in the north of the country.Regardless of who gets the credit for whatever “success” have been achieved, it is important that it continue. Whether or not the Al Anbar model can be applied outside of this province remains to be seen. I will have more to say on this subject in a future posting.Stay informedthe brotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 11/12/2007 09:34:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Romney Calls For Tax Breaks For Homeschoolers

BANNED Pres. Bush Interview

Monday, November 12, 2007

Posted by thebrotherman at 11/12/2007 09:42:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Lou Dobbs for President

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lou Dobbs for president? Oh my goodness. Once again telewatchers of America demonstrate their culpability to imagery and demogagory. Lou Dobbs for president? Wake up America, Lou Dobbs is far from what is needed for this country. Dobbs is nothing short of a bomb throwing demogogue who is reminiscent of the story about a “signifying monkey” who sits in a tree using emotion laden language instigates a fatal fight between a lion and an elephant. My god, is it so difficult to see that this numbskull sits before the cameras for one hour every day during which he criticizes problems with every aspect of government; but, guess what you do not hear? What you don’t hear from this clown is any offering of solution(s) to the problems he articulates. And, if one bitches about a problem while offering no solution(s), this person becomes part of the problem. It is plain to see that this clown is part of the problem in that he has managed to generate enough emotion as to get himself considered as the solution to “the illegal alien” problem, or the “war on the middle class.” And if you happen to see this Mr. Dobbs, please be so good as to offer your solutions to the problems you articulate, night after night—ad nauseum. Wake up America, someone please tell me what an “independent populist” is. I can recall a time when this clown was part of the conservative wing of the Republican business community in another life as a business broadcaster. My what a self-promoting opportunist. America wake up. Being president is not the same as articulating and crusading one hour each evening.Stay informedThe brotherman
Posted by thebrotherman at 11/20/2007 05:48:00 PM 2 comments

Iraq, Afghanistan, Surge Success, the U.S. Media: Some Questions

Friday, November 23, 2007 reports the kidnapping and beheading of seven Afghan policemen in recent Taliban attacks; during this attack, three civilians and one Australian (NATO) soldiers also met their fates in the ambush of a checkpoint in southern Kandahar province.Recent increases in the number of serious attacks and bombings by Taliban insurgents and the decline in deaths and violence on the Iraqi "front" seem to preface a change in the Bush administration's "so-called frontline in the "war on terror." If it is true that Al Queda in Iraq is being driven from Iraq, is it possible that they are "being driven" to a new front--Afghanistan?Is the Iraq "surge strategy" successful? Yes, in part, and thank heavens for whatever success has been achieved. But, has anyone actually drilled down into the likely causes of this success? Let me offer a bit of analyses:First, during the last few weeks, the Bush administration has once again begun crowing about the so-called "surge strategy." Republican presidential candidates are on the bandwagon, parroting administration successes. But as in the past, recent crowing may, once again, be premature--remember "Mission Accomplished?"Second, let us assume that the "strategy" is "working. Why? Recall, that during the 1980s and 90s, many policeofficers in the crime-ridden urban cities of the U.S. (and under the concept of "community policing,") were returned to old-fashioned foot-walking "beats." The result was a moderate reduction in violent crime. A hah, Why not get the troops out of these rolling coffins and put them afoot, where they have greater visibility of what confronts them and reduces to fewer deaths; afterall, our troops are performing in the capacity of an enhanced police force.It is my belief (and you can bet your boots that some scholar in some think tank or academic institution is working on this hypothesis as I write) that someone realized that the greater number of U.S. military deaths can be attributed to the excessive use of vehicular patrols into the teeth of insurgent neighborhoods, exposure to the devastaging effects of IEDs and other creative means of destroying vehicles patrolling through the areas. In short, the probabilities that the reduction in U.S. servicemember deaths in Iraq (i.e., the surge is working) and the reduction of mechanized (vehicular) patrols in favor of foot patrols are directly related.A third prospect is related to a news report by that received little, if any, attention in the American media. Last week, reported ". . . Iran Honoring Pledge To Stem Flow Of Explosives Into Iraq" . . . .The article reported that:"Maj. Gen. James Simmons, a deputy commander of US Multinational Corps-Iraq, told reporters Thursday that Iran seems to be honoring a pledge to stem the flow of deadly explosives into Iraq, resulting in nearly a 50 percent drop in the number of roadside bombs particularly EFDs that kill and maim American troops."According to the general, "the number of roadside bombs either found or exploded across Iraq had fallen from 3,239 in March to 1,560 in October, the latter the lowest since September 2005.Of particular significance was the reported decline included the lethal "explosively forced penetrators (EFDs) which are sophisticated "shaped charges" capable of, in Simmons' words, "hurling a fist-sized chunk of molten copper through the thickest U.S. vehicles."The most pressing question is why has this not been prominently published somewhere within the U.S. media? BUT:Even more important is the Bush administration's propogandizing, demonization of Iran, in the name of the Iranian president, who it must be admitted is a provacateur first class, who is uncooperative, dangerous, and, oh yes, "crazy."Fact is, that all of this demonization and propaganda is nothing more than an attempt on the part of the administration at raising the emotional level of the American public to a level, not unlike Sadaam and the prelude to the invasion of Iraq, that it will subscribe to an attack of some kind on Iran's "nuclear" facilities.Pay attention AmericaStay informedthebrotherman