Saturday, October 13, 2012

On America’s Future as a “Democracy????”

At this point in time America is preoccupied with the upcoming presidential election. The campaigns are fraught with the rhetoric of everything from jingoist nationalism to  rights that are "God given," American exceptionalism" and the notion that America's democracy has produced the greatest government in the history of mankind.
Upon a critical examination of America's version of democracy it is my view that before considering the efficacy of that noted above, that it be understood that democracy, American style, has reached a point where it has risen from the depths of authoritarian Monarchy to a level where it has leveled off (plateau) and moved into a self-destructive phase. 
Witness, for example, the affects of the Citizens decision on the electoral process. When discussing this with my students, they overwhelmingly conclude that America is headed for plutocratic governance. Moreover; consider the influence of ALEC on state legislative policy outcomes. Witness the machinations of Republican State Legislative bodies who, through "democratic processes" have emasculated the rights of working class Americans to unionize and engage in collective bargaining. And, in a direct assault on one of the most cherished "rights" i.e., the right to vote, witness the attempts at voter suppression of large segments of the American population.
In short, it seems that "democracy" (left alone) will rise to a level wherein the freedoms provided therein and utilized within the framework of the Constitution, will self-destruct if some of the curbs provided by Socialism are not exacted in terms of curbing the excessive use of "democratic rights and liberties, the unregulated practices of Capitalism notwithstanding. 
The right to "keep and bear arms" the right to "organize" has come together to witness the rise of seriously demented, seriously armed hate groups who are preparing for the great (inevitable) race war. These are but a few examples of how the freedoms guaranteed under America's system of governance will lead to her self-destruction. Enough for now. Hope this will provide those who might read the above commentary food for thought.   

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