Judges and Justices and their courts become activist when weak-willed elected legislative bodies refuse to enact law around controversial issues.Questions:1. Why is it that Repubilcans and their presidential candidates scream the virtues of"activist" judges and/or justices?2. Why is it that we did not hear a single peep from this bunch when the U.S.Supreme Court invaded the province of State authority when they installedGeorge "mission accomplished" Bush in the office of President of the United Statesof America?3. Why does this group tend to or attempt to change the rules of the game when thingdo not go their way?
Food for thought.
Commentary, critique, description, discussion, explanation and exposition of politics found among the many televised "talking heads" and other mass media opinion leaders, left, right and otherwise.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Obama, his nomination and Race?
I sit here watching the various cable networks on the evening that Senator Barack Obama appears to be poised on the edge of U.S. History. As I scan from one channel to the other I am struck by the heightened enthusiasm in the voices of pundits, commentators and politicians. Theexuberance and elation is the result of the enevitable nomination of Barack Obama as Democratic Party candidate for the office of President of the United States of America. Specifically, that Obama will be the first African American to be nominated to candidate for the highest office in the land. And while such enthusiasm persists, the emphasis continues to be cast in terms of black and white. That is; Obama as the first "black" who must win the hearts and minds of the "white" working class voter. I find this amusing. But more than this is the fact that throughout this long primary campaign season, Obama has been referred to as "black" and/or African American. This continues to speak volumes about the historical time warp in which this country continues to reside.And while it is often noted that Obama is of "mixed" heritage, that is; his mother is Caucasian and his father an African from Kenya. Yet he is not characterized as history's first candidate of "mixed heritage" or that he is a white candidate. No, consistent with remaining in an historical time warp, Obama is the first African American/black person to be nominated. Why is he characterized as black/African American? Because of the old "one drop rule."The "one drop rule" dates to the 18th century; it says that "if a person has one drop of black blood flowing in his/her veins, he/she is black" period.Unfortunately, Mr. Obama, as nominee, is in the unenviable position of trying to convince Pat Buchanan's "white working class" voters to vote for him. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen, this group of individuals are non other than the so-called "Reagan Democrats" aka "the angry white male" who, in the wake of federal affirmative action programs, believed themselves victims; these are individuals who then blamed blacks for "taking their jobs." So if there are any of you out there who think for one hot moment that this group is going to vote for a "black" man, forget it. This group will, as they have in the past, vote against their interests. They will cast their votes for John McCain and delude themselves into thinking that he has their interests at heart. If you don't believe this, he (McCain) is going to continue the Bush tax cuts.
Yeah right
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Yeah right
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